Go2Goal x Chagrin Soccer Camp
Registration for Chagrin Soccer Camp is Open!
2022 Chagrin Soccer Summer Camp:
- Session 1: June 20th—23rd, 2022: REGISTRATION LINK
- Session 2: July 25th—28th, 2022: REGISTRATION LINK
Location: Gurney Elementary Fields in Chagrin Falls, Ohio.
Camp Includes: Half and Full Day Options, Skills & Drills, Scrimmages, Games with Coach Kia and the Go2Goal Trainers. Camp is for rising 1st graders and must be 10 years or older for the full day option.
Go2Goal is a soccer consulting company that specializes in holistic performance training. This includes performance, speed, agility, and explosiveness that will take your game to the next level. With top class trainers & coaches, Go2Goal offers unmatched intensity, environment, and sharpness throughout the sessions.
If you are interested building your competitive edge & are interested in training with us, please email chagrinfallssoccer@gmail.com